Tuesday, September 22, 2020


The Pokomo were very Strict with the preservation of a girl's virginity ( Kizinda).
The minute a girl was suspected of having an affair with a boy she was immediately taken to the experienced traditional midwife and was physically checked whether she lost her virginity or not. 
If yes she would be given to the Wemon for punishment and the punishment was severe as l mentioned earlier.
Therefore with this kind of surveillance the Pokomo girl could not dare or risk indulging in pre-marital sex.
A boy might meet a girl of his choice during celebrations, eg dances etc. 
Or The most common practice the bride was recommended to the young man by his parents. 
At times when a baby girl us newly born a mother can go tie a little piece of cloth or sometimes a rope around the finger if the Baby girl and proclaim that  "This is my Daughter inlaw"and as they grow up they are told about it and sometimes and most times they eventually Marry. 
However much as the two the boy and the girl are made to know that they were angaged from the the time they were Babies. 
No sex was permitted before their actual marriage. 
The Virginity of the girl was preserved. 
A Betrothed couple would meet secretly. To embrace, kiss, cuddle.A (KUHANANA). 
Whenever the Girl went to meet his future husband as sometimes the parents of the boy would come to the girls parents and ask officially that they would like there future daughter inlaw to go and make the bed for their son. (kumuhandikiya muyume kintanda) 
The Gran mother of the girl would
Tie a piece of Loin cloth known as 
(Ntsambaa) tightly round the waist and the thighs. It was a Taboo for a boy to untie a girls Loin Cloth till they were officially Married. 👰 

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